There are many pollinators in the world. Bees are considered the most efficient, but there are many other insects that are pollinators, and non-insect creatures such as bats and hummingbirds are other good pollinators Adding a variety of plants (native or non-native) with different bloom times is the best way to encourage pollinator activities.
Here Are Some Color Choices By Pollinator
Bees Yellow, blue, white
Birds Red, orange, or white (Hummingbird like the deep-throated flowers)
Butterflies Bright reds, purples, and oranges
Bats Fragrant night-blooming flowers
One big NO NO is to use flowering plants that have been treated with pesticides or neonicotinoids.
Pollinators Favorite Plants
Sunflowers, Lavender, Liatris, Lilies, Daisies, Coneflowers, Joe pye weed, Hibiscus, Thistle, Coreopsis
Fun Pollinator Attractors
- Mud puddles for Butterflies
- Bat houses & Bat Birdbaths
- Bug houses
- Bee houses
- Reduce your lawn and plant alternative stepable ground covers
- Install new lawn seed blends that are low maintenance
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